The death of the Grammy nominated rapper, Nipsey Hussle, turned out to be a long tails. This rapper suffered a gunshot in front of his shop in the Los Angeles area on March 31, 2019. The fans were deeply saddened by this incident, many of which initially highlighted the weak regulation of possession of firearms in the United States.
But now there is a conspiracy theory about the murder of the rapper. Many thought Nipsey’s death had something to do with the murder of an herbalist named Dr. Sebi.
In 2018, Nipsey interviewed and said that he consumed Dr. Sebi’s products. Then he said he wanted to do a documentary video about the trial of Dr. Sebi in 1985. At that time Dr. Sebi defended himself in court and won the claim that he could treat Aids.
“He won this case and went to federal court the next day and won again. And no one said this. I think this story is very important, I think this is an important narrative,” Nipsey said at the time quoted by BBC News .
Nipsey’s confession was alleged to be the reason for his murder. Now the Los Angeles police have set Eric Holder as a suspect and got wanted status.
But the conspiracy theory of the involvement of the American government to protect the pharmaceutical industry has been rolling. According to KLovers itself, maybe there isn’t an assassination attempt because of this kind of theory?